Dear Visitor at Riverbanks Zoo,

I saw you. We got in line behind you at one of the snack stands. You had three kids and another adult with you. Your kids were calm. Patient. Quiet. Speaking politely. I saw you. I saw the look on your face change from smiles to annoyance as my three year old began to get … Continue reading Dear Visitor at Riverbanks Zoo,

So Much of His Autism Story Captured in One Moment of Time.

Today we were going to attempt a day trip to the beach. However, last night was rough and I was too exhausted to go. And you know what? I'm okay with that. Because if we had went to the beach, I would not have caught this beautiful moment in time. This photo depicts quite a … Continue reading So Much of His Autism Story Captured in One Moment of Time.

Without Further Ado, We Went to the Zoo!

Parenting a child with autism comes with unique challenges. On one hand, you want your child to be able to be themselves without pressure and discomfort. On the other hand, you know that life is not easily ignored. Appointments have to attended, groceries need bought, gas needs to be put in the car...there are so … Continue reading Without Further Ado, We Went to the Zoo!

Dear Family, friends, and even strangers,

Thank you. Thank you for pouring positivity into my life. Thank you for the kind words. Thank you for trying to supply me with hope. On my days when I post, comment, or even mention in conversation how I long for normalcy and desire making memories often associated with raising children, I know you mean … Continue reading Dear Family, friends, and even strangers,